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Green Growth in Fisheries and Aquaculture

Green growth has become imperative to all our dealings with the marine and inland water environments. But what is it and what is the policy toolkit at hand? During the last two years, my work has been dealing with this, advising governments on how to move ahead. Often, moving onto a green growth track may imply challenging policy reforms, stakeholder involvement and ensuring buy-in.



The Ocean Economy and Trade

The ocean is the last frontier for mankind. But we are increasingly overusing its natural resources.  This link provides you with insights of the challenges that lies ahead.


Member Expert of the E15 Initiative on Oceans and Fisheries. Implemented jointly by ICTSD and the World Economic Forum, the E15 Initiative convenes world-class experts and institutions to generate strategic analysis and recommendations for governments, business, and civil society geared towards strengthening the global trade system. Written Issues and Options for Disciplines on Subsidies to Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing published by ICTSD July 2017.


Contributed substantially to the Yesou 2012 EXPO "The Living Ocean and Coast" as a member of the International Review Committee of the Yeosu Declaration and of the Internationl Selection Committee of Ocean & Coast Best Practices. Moderated the Yesou Declaration Forum, 2012. 





Innovation in Fisheries and Aquaculture

Innovation, both technical and institutional, is crucial for future generations, for growth and jobs. But how do we construct innovation policies and knowledge systems condusive to growth in fisheries and aquaculture?


This link provides some insights for how to proceed.

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